Saturday, September 26, 2009

Right About Time - Freaky Friday With Kim

In this blog, I've mentioned Kim Sabatini before - my wonderful writing friend and fellow SCBWI Shop-Talker, and founder of C'RAP (Children's w'Riters Always Procrastinate!), our sub-group of Shop Talk writers. She's not only a talentd writer of charming kids' picture books and young adult spiritual-fantasy novels, but she's an enthusiastic advocate of childrens' literature and an avid supporter of childrens' writers.

She writes a great blog, Jess Free Falcon, here at Blogger ( and on LiveJournal (, where she chronicles her writing progress, reviews books she's read, comments on her favorite childrens' authors, and tells stories about her family life.

She's also started a very cool weekly post, "Freaky Friday," where she interviews aspiring, rather than published, authors. As she describes, "If you've seen the movie Freaky Friday, you know that its premise is about change and growth through role reversal. ... I thought it would be intersting to interview aspiring writers; the same writers who spend lots of time reading the interviews of published authors and dreaming of the day when they might get their book on the shelves..."

So far, she's interviewed her friend Janine Lucas, a young adult novelist, who I met at SCBWI's Mid-Hudson Valley conference in June; fellow ShopTalker and C'rapper Dean Pacchiana, who is working on a series of young adult mysteries; young adult fantasy writer Jessie Harrell, who I met at SCBWI's NYC conference; and several writers she's met online through Facebook and Verla Kay's Blue Boards: Mike Jung, a writer of mid-grade books; Amy Spitzley, who's written five young adult fantasy novels; and Hilary Sierpinski, who has completed a mid-grade novel and has several others in the works.

In her interviews, Kim talks with the writers about their writing background; writing habits; current projects; and favorite inspiring books, among other things. She shows a window into the minds and lives of other writers, and I think that's very inspiring. I love meeting and befriending fellow writers, and I'm always interested in their writing interests, their process and their projects. Kim's "Freaky Friday" blog helps to widen her community of fellow writers, and gives readers a chance to find out more about them and their work.

This past week, I was honored to be Kim's interview subject! I've written several interviews in the past, with musicians and writers, when I was a journalism student, and as a contributor to a couple of local entertainment papers in the '90s. But this was the first time that someone interviewed me. It was fun and interesting, to talk about myself and my work "for the record."
Kim's interview with me can be found on her post dated Friday, September 25, 2009.

I really appreciate Kim's interest in my writing, and her friendship and support. She truly does as much to promote her friends' and peers' writing as she does her own. I'm looking forward to reading more of her "Freaky Friday" blogs and meeting and learning about other writers in her wide network.

Thanks, Kim!

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